
Mind Focusing and Heart Opening

Our group meditation sessions have a topic, alternating between mind focusing and heart opening.  We encourage you to explore our blog for insightful articles, personal reflections from our team and ideas that inspire community mindfulness.

Recent insights and Blog Musings:

In the News

The Gift of Silence | Nick Seaver | TEDXBEACONSTREET

CMP Board Member Nick Seaver is a dad, commuter, and busy professional who once upon a time, in the land before children, saved up a bit of money, stepped away from a busy professional life, put all his belongings into storage, and spent 18 months in the Rocky Mountains with his wife, in full time silent retreat, as part of the first major scientific study on meditation. Why would anyone do this? What does silence and solitude do to the mind? What were the challenges? Benefits? Is there anything that can be brought down from the mountains and into our busy, engaged lives?

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.  For full talk click here.