Meet Alex & Lynn, two champions for change

🎶Tis the season to be... Sick?🎶

Over the last few weeks, my family has been going through our own "advent calendar" of sickness. We've had 3 colds, 2 stomach bugs, and we're just waiting for the partridge in a pear tree! As I reflect on the steadiness through the storm I've had to uphold at home, it makes me even more in awe of the educators who show up for our children all year long.

Children learn from the adults around them, so when we give adults tools to handle anxiety, stress and difficult emotions, they pass those tools along to the children in their lives. 

Alex and Lynn are two  examples of amazing adults who show their students what it means to stay calm and focused, even when things are tough. Over the years they have partnered with us at Community Mindfulness Project to help bring mindfulness into schools, and I want to share their stories with you. Watch the videos below to hear directly from them.

Meet Alex

Men's Center Coordinator, Center for Equity & Social Justice
CT State Housatonic Community College

Meet Lynn

Director of Adult Education, Frmr Dir. of Family & Community Engagement
Bridgeport Public Schools

Our work in schools targets the whole learning experience. 

Imagine if all the adults at school—from teachers to nurses to security guards—learned how to take care of themselves first. They’d be better at helping students with emotional control, reducing anxiety, and creating a safe, caring environment. This would lead to better focus, higher test scores, less stress, and so much more.

For parents and caretakers, as you spend time with the young people in your life, remember to celebrate the teachers who help them every day.

Remember the teachers this break.
Celebrate the teachers.
We certainly are. 

Will you grow our work to train more adults in schools to support our kids?


Ella Saunders Crivello
Executive Director
Community Mindfulness Project

Ps. Look out in early 2025 for new and back by popular demand sessions, workshops and courses dates open to the whole community: Mindfulness for Better Night's Sleep, Mindfulness in Nature, Intro to Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and more!


What's my move here?


Mindfulness Books Ella is Reading This Winter Break