A Letter from CMP's Executive Director - Feb 2025

Because of you, in 2024 ,we strengthened and celebrated our community's resilience. Resilience is when we don’t let our emotions, thoughts, and triggers define us. Instead, we acknowledge, notice, and move forward.

As 2025 begins, I’ll speak for myself and perhaps many of you: Over the past two weeks, we as Americans have faced an unprecedented wave of overwhelming news and uncertainty. If you’ve found yourself triggered, shutting down, or struggling to understand or feel your emotions, you’re not alone.

As an organization, the Community Mindfulness Project is committed to providing opportunities for community connection and mindfulness training that support health and well-being—regardless of your income, job status, race, gender, or sexual orientation.

OUR PARTNERS are the backbone of community care. Today and always, we want it to be clear that we stand with them.

They are public schools and direct service nonprofits, on the frontlines of the health of our community. 

They advance programs and commitments to DEI.

They serve those impacted by the justice system. 

They educate children and adults experiencing severe poverty, trauma and chronic stress. 

They serve those in or struggling with recovery.

They serve immigrants and migrants.

They administer life saving resources, case management and workforce readiness support. 

We partner because we know, in direct contact with the Senior Executives at each organization, that the training required and systems change to address chronic stress, burnout, empathy fatigue and vicarious trauma is a marathon, not a sprint. Partnerships enable us to establish and grow trust, and maintain a sustainable model.

OUR VALUES are clear:

  1. Inclusivity and Respect. We continually seek to identify and remove barriers to access; we honor the agency of community members we serve to determine whether and how to use mindfulness 

  2. Collaboration.  We listen and design programs based on the needs and interests expressed by our partners and community members

  3. Co-Learning and Humility. We learn and grow alongside our community members and partners;  we draw from collective wisdom, calibrating our understanding as new knowledge is gained through experience, study, reflection and connection

  4. Trust and Dependability. We show up when and deliver what we promise in a way that honors our community members and partners;  we exhibit vulnerability and respect in all our interactions

  5. Transparency and Candor. We share results and feedback openly, we speak our truth and want to hear that of our partners’ in the interest of advancing collective knowledge

  6. Flexibility. We can change course thoughtfully and sustainably if new information tells us we could do better if we did different 

  7. Measurement for Excellence. We solicit, embrace and use feedback to help us do better

OUR COMMUNITY is reaching out sharing what being a part of CMP means to them:

"Mindfulness is the gift that keeps on giving" - CMP Partner Lead

“He shared with me ‘I use mindfulness every single day.  I don’t think I could survive without it anymore.”  When I asked if this is different for him than before, he replied, “Yes! I can’t go back to the old way I reacted.”  He shared that he’s been pulled over 5 times in the past year.  He has been able to remain calm even in the face of what has felt like harassment. He shared that he has been involved in a high speed chase before.  He doesn’t want to go back to that way of living. He sounds so confident when he talks about the power he has to choose how he responds to situations. - CMP Facilitator reflecting on a conversation with a program participant who is re-entering society following 4+ years in the system.

"The unique thing that Community Mindfulness Project does is it helps people think/reframe their circumstances in a way that is both portable and teachable. The tools you provide people are not limited to a one time service and are also teachable by those folks to other folks. The ripple/amplification potential is great. " - CMP Monthly Donor

We're curious to hear from you, how are you thinking about your own health and wellbeing in this year ahead, how are you supporting your neighbors, your community, how can we support each other?


Ella Crivello, Executive Director


Community Mindfulness Project’s Founding Story


What's my move here?