The Most Important Answer

"The less I seek my source for some definitive, the closer I am to fine”
- Indigo Girls, Closer to Fine

The invitation this week as we turn our attention to the breath, is to allow the breath to enter the body as a question, and let it leave the body without an answer.  

This space of not knowing can be an uncomfortable one for us to inhabit.  We seek answers, visibility, certainty.  Many of us come to meditation in search of visibility and certainty as it pertains to external factors in our lives.  It's one more item on the list of achievements we aim for - that missing piece to the jigsaw puzzle of life that we've been looking for.  We think outer-world answers will bring serenity to our inner world, filling some hole we think is there, making us complete in some way. 

Paradoxically, it’s only when we loosen our grip a bit, and learn to abide the constant state of flux in our lives that we can access inner clarity.  And what can we see when the inner fog lifts and the snowflakes of the mind settle?  We see that we have always been whole.

Each breath is an opportunity to begin to let go a bit, allowing the breath to enter the body as a question, and letting it leave the body without needing an answer.  We already have the one answer we need - we are already whole.

We hope you'll join us this week, as we let ourselves get closer to the fine that we already are. 

May all beings everywhere without exception feel whole, just as they are,
Your friends at CMP

We Need Your Support

CMP thrives on donations. All of our weekly sessions are free and open to the public, but donations are essential to our sustainability. CMP is a licensed charity in the state of CT as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Checks can be given to facilitators at our weekly sits or mailed to Community Mindfulness Project, P.O. Box 1713, New Canaan, CT 06840. Credit cards are accepted in the Giving section of the website. For donations of wired funds or appreciated securities, please email Thank you!

CMP Breathing Mindful Medtitation.jpg

The Neighborhood of Appreciation


Special Guest for Sound Meditation This Week