Where do you practice? CompassionErika LongJuly 25, 2021meditation, mindfulness, emotions, compassion, self-compassion, breathing
Finding and Offering an Easeful Breath BreathingErika LongMarch 29, 2020meditation, mindfulness, mind-focusing, breathing
The Most Important Answer BreathingErika LongJanuary 18, 2020meditation, mindfulness, mind-focusing, mindfulness of breathing, breathing meditation, breathing
I Am Not My Thoughts BreathingErika LongAugust 31, 2019meditation, mindfulness, breathing, mindfulness of breathing, mind-focusing
Out the Door and Into ...? BreathingErika LongJune 29, 2019meditation, mindfuless, breathing, breathing meditation, mindfulness of breathing, mind-focusing
A Place of Rest in the Middle of Things BreathingErika LongJanuary 26, 2019breathing, mindfulness of breathing, mind-focusing, meditation
Breathing and Not Breathing BreathingErika LongNovember 4, 2018mindfulness of breathing, breathing, mindfulness, meditation, mind-focusing
Welcome Home BreathingErika LongSeptember 23, 2018meditation, mindfulness, breathing, mindfulness of breathing, mind-focusing
The Curiosity/Control Balance BreathingErika LongAugust 17, 2018breathing, mindfulness of breathing, meditation, mindfulness, mind-focusing
The Joy of Breathing BreathingCommunity Mindfulness ProjectJuly 7, 2018breathing, mindfulness of breathing, mindfulness, meditation
Looking Directly at Life BreathingErika LongFebruary 9, 2018breathing, mindfulness of breathing, breathing meditation, mind-focusing, mindfulness, meditation, emily dickinson
Openness One Breath at a Time BreathingCommunity Mindfulness ProjectJuly 27, 2017meditation, mindfulness, breathing, breathing meditation