Yay, me!

The Tibetan culture has a long tradition of meditation, and the Tibetan word for meditation is “gom” - which roughly translates to  “familiarizing".  Meditation offers us a chance to familiarize ourselves with ….. ourselves.  We begin to see ourselves for who we really are.  

This may seem daunting, as our first thought may be that we might not like what we see when we get to know ourselves.  Over time, though, meditation and mindfulness help us to see that we are human, and that all humans have positive attributes as well as areas to grow.  We all want to be happy : sometimes we act wisely in pursuit of happiness - our own and others’ - and sometimes we err.  

Many of us tend to be more acutely aware of our shortcomings and spend less time acknowledging our positive attributes, but acknowledging our own goodness is just as important as expressing our appreciation to our loved ones.  In fact, appreciating ourselves is a way of paying tribute to important people in our lives.  As Kristin Neff (self-compassion researcher) writes, "Appreciation for our good qualities is an expression of gratitude for all who have shaped us as individuals. Self-appreciation humbly honors those who have helped us become the person we are today.”

This week we hope that you will join us as we celebrate the goodness that flows through ourselves and others.

May all beings everywhere, without exception sense into the goodness and virtue that flows through them,

Your friends at CMP

Guided Meditation Recordings:

Click here for guided Appreciation meditations.

CMP Appreciation.jpeg

The Birds Have the Floor


Stillness in Motion