The Birds Have the Floor

Dear Mind,

I truly appreciate all that you do, but I am going to be paying a little less attention to you.  You see, spring has arrived and the song birds have returned.  Something happens when I let their sounds land on me:  my heart opens, my face softens, my shoulders drop and there is a lightness to my step.  The world seems to get a little bigger and a bit less fraught.  When I tune in to their songs and sounds, I breathe more deeply, and feel connected to the world around me.  It’s not that you have to stay silent, I just won’t be paying as much attention to you.  Let’s face it:  90% of what you say has been said before and, frankly, a lot of it is rather dubious.  So how about this:  why don’t we both enjoy the sounds of the birds for a bit?



P.S. The rustling of leaves in the trees has the same effect, and the sound of water hitting the shower floor, and people laughing… 

May all beings everywhere without exception feel connected to the world around them through sound and vibration,

Your friends at CMP

CMP Mindfulness of Sounds.jpg

Ladies and Gentlemen, Check Your Engines


Yay, me!