The Language of Emotions

Did you know that in Spanish there are two verbs that mean “to be”?  One, “ser”, describes what something is made of. It conveys a sense of permanence.  This one is not used to describe someone’s emotional state.  The other, “estar”, describes states that are less permanent, and is used to describe emotional states.  The English language is less precise, so when someone asks how we are, we answer “I am happy”, or “I am frustrated”, or “I am bored”.  These statements have the same weight and sense of permanence as saying, “I am Robert”, or “I am Canadian”.  But our emotional states are much more fleeting, and they don’t define us.  They have beginnings, middles and ends just like thoughts and sounds do.  When we trust in their impermanence, we can feel safer opening to our emotional states, and all the wisdom they can bring.

So the next time someone asks us how we are, we might consider, instead, answering, “I feel grateful right now”, or “I feel glum right at the moment” or “I feel a sense of peace this instant.”  This might remind us and those around us that emotions are temporary and don’t define us, something we all need reminding of from time to time.  

So…..  how do you feel right now?

We hope that you will join us this week as we practice bringing awareness and openess to our emotional states,

CMP survives on donations. All of our weekly sessions are free and open to the public, but donations are essential to our sustainability. Checks, cash and credit cards are accepted and donations are tax deductible.

Stay up-to-date on all CMP news and happenings by following us on Facebook, Instagram, Meetup and Insight Timer.  And our website

May all beings everywhere without exception welcome all emotions and garner the wisdom they offer, 

The CMP Team


** CMP is a 501c3 nonprofit.

Checks can be given to facilitators at our weekly sits or mailed to:

Community Mindfulness Project

P.O. Box 1713

New Canaan, CT 06840.


** Credit card donations are accepted on our website:


** We thank you!

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