3/7 Snow Cancellation - Let's Sit Together Separately
The New Canaan Library will be closed on Wednesday March 7 due to the pending snow storm. We will miss sitting in community with you, but we invite you to join us virtually....
Pausing wherever you are at noon....
Evoking the sense of a community of sitters around you, if you like....
Settling in to a dignified, alert, balanced posture....
and then taking time to pay attention to your emotions as they present themselves.
Remembering that emotions are fleeting, temporary events that offer information about how we're doing, or what our experience is in the moment, but they aren't solid, fixed, permanent or defining.
The practice can be as simple as naming them as "comfortable" or "uncomfortable" or "neutral" as we become aware of them.
Often by paying attention to our emotions, we become aware of just how quickly they change - wisdom which can be helpful when we are feeling that a period of emotional discomfort may last forever.
And when you have spent the time you feel is helpful to create space for your emotional experience, whatever it may be, perhaps extending a heart-felt wish for the well-being of those close to you, those in your community, and all beings everywhere, without exception...
Resting in that sense of care and open-heartedness for self-and others.
We look forward to seeing you at our next sit.
Wishing you warmth and peace in your own personal snow globe tomorrow,
Your friends at CMP
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