Beauty Outside, Peace Inside
In 1984, E.O. Wilson, biologist and Harvard professor, published Biophilia, in which he theorized that humans have an innate desire to connect with nature. That hypothesis has since been taken further and research indicates that human well-being is supported by access to nature. Many of the benefits attributed to connecting with nature sound like those attributed to meditation: lower blood pressure, reduced depression, reduction in ruminating thought….
This week we turn to the practice of Mindfulness of Sounds – using sounds to anchor us to present moment, to remind us of the ever-changing nature of life, and to help us witness how our reaction to stimuli often has a greater effect on our sense of well-being than the stimuli itself.
A great way to tune in to sounds, especially in the summer, is to sit outside and soak in the sounds of morning birds, children playing, evening crickets, the rustle of wind in the trees, or rain drops on the sidewalk….
So this week, why not spend a little time each day combining the health benefits of nature with those of mindfulness as you sit outside and tune in to the sounds around you?
We hope you can join us for our regular sessions, listed below.
May all beings without exception find inner peace from time spent outdoors,
Your friends at CMP
Ward Pound Ridge Reservation