Goodness In, Goodness Out

There are many wonderful, life-supporting meditation and mindfulness practices.  Often we present them as discreet, delineated, intact.  In reality, they feed into and off of each other, support each other, bleed into each other.  Like the shimmer of sunlight on water, our lives are moments of breath, and emotion and thought and sensation and compassion and connection and equanimity and sound and voice, and… and… and….

This week as we practice Gratitude, we’ll bring to mind all that we have to be grateful for, from the freely given gifts of nature like bright pink sunset skies, to the kindnesses of strangers whose words and deeds keep us moving forward in life, to luxuries we enjoy thanks to where and who we were born, the hard work we put in and the good fortune that happened to come our way.  

We can stop there, resting into a felt sense of our good fortune.  We can also wish similar good fortune for others, bringing to mind specific individuals, communities, or all beings, and sending out a heart-felt wish, “May you share in the beauty that life has to offer.  May we all feel safe, connected, and loved.  May you be free from inner and out harm.  May you walk in peace.”  We can make ceremonial gifts of the goodness in our lives, offering these gifts up as an acknowledgment that we are all in this together, that our well-being is multiplied by the well-being of others.

This week and always we wish you peace, well-being, joy and a sense of wholeness, 
Your friends at CMP

Guided Meditations

Guided meditations are available on our Resources Page.

We Need Your Support

CMP thrives on donations. All of our weekly sessions are free and open to the public, but donations are essential to our sustainability. CMP is a licensed charity in the state of CT as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Checks can be given to facilitators at our weekly sits or mailed to Community Mindfulness Project, P.O. Box 1713, New Canaan, CT 06840. Credit cards are accepted in the Giving section of the website. For donations of wired funds or appreciated securities, please email Thank you!

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