Compassion meditation can help us feel resourced. When we witness someone’s suffering and add a wish for an end to that struggle, something miraculous happens. A beneficial cascade of neurochemicals is released:
dopamine - which helps with motivation and learning;
oxytocin - the human bonding compound; and
serotonin - which helps to reduce anxiety.
And compassion primes our brain so that we are ready to take action.
In the face of all the suffering we’re witnessing and experiencing in the world right now, let’s come together to resource and support each other so we can create the change we want to see in the world.
No registration required; free and open to all.
Zoom Link:
Phone Option: (646) 558-8656
Meeting ID: 848 4052 7453
All programming is made possible by donations. If you are able, please consider supporting our work.