Back on the Cushion

Things at CMP have been really, really busy lately.  We were asked to apply for a grant to fund a mindfulness program in a Bridgeport elementary school.  This was an honor, validation of the work that we’ve been doing in that district, and also a huge lift on a tight deadline.  We’ve been responding to community requests for programming and updating the website to better highlight, right there on the front page, what we do and why we do it (more to come).  All the while, our fabulous facilitators and you, our community members, have been showing up in libraries, on zoom and by conference call, sharing care and practice opportunities.  

I mention the above not just to bring you up to speed on what you make possible, but also to confess that in the busy-ness over the past few months, my formal practice suffered.  Everything else seemed to take precedence over my formal practice, and I began to tell myself that occasional mindful moments throughout the day were enough.  

Small moments, many times throughout the day are, indeed, very helpful.  The more I dip into them, the more I can build the muscle memory of presence.  The more time I spend noticing what it feels like to wash my face, the less time I spend sending my nervous system on wild goose chases.

But… formal practice has always been the real game changer for me. Ten to thirty minute sits at the start of the day provide visceral, experiential proof that there is another way to live.  Moreover, it is the formal practice that leaves me with a deeply-felt sense that I am whole and good just as I am, and that I am connected to a vast, wonder-worthy world.

Over the past two weeks, I’ve gotten back on my cushion in the mornings, even if it’s just for 15 minutes.  And it has made a tremendous difference: I can focus much better and longer  on what I’m doing, I bounce back from frustrating moments much more quickly, I take things less personally, I am aware of and find greater joy in small things throughout the day, and I’m more compassionate toward myself and those around me.  It has been truly remarkable.  While it was hard to get back on the cushion at first, formal practice has returned to being part of my morning again.  In fact, it would feel strange not to do it now.

The catalyst for getting back in the groove was a Mindful Schools course I’m taking.  We had to buddy-up with another participant and check in on our daily practice.  Having an accountability buddy really worked for me.  If you’ve “fallen off the cushion” and would like some encouragement to practice again, please feel free to reach out.  We are happy to be your accountability buddy.  

Each time you practice, you can send an email to with the subject “Did it!”.  Feel free to add a note, if you like, sharing what you noticed about your practice.  We’ll celebrate and encourage you like Marianne did for me.  (Thanks, Marianne!)

If there are other ways we can support you in your practice, or if you’d like to share something that helps you in your practice, send those thoughts along!

In the meantime, may we all feel whole and good just as we are.

With love,

Your CMP Family

The cushion I’ve climbed back on. Hello again, old friend!


Night Lights


The Science of Mindfulness