Making Room for the Sky

Sometimes (often?) when we sit down to meditate, our mind may decide that it’s the perfect time to solve all our problems by thinking.  Like the machine in the batting cage, it hurls mental fast-balls at us and we feel compelled to bat at every one.  If we're not careful, we buy into the notions that all our problems can be solved by thinking and that it’s absolutely essential to solve them by thinking RIGHT NOW.  It feels so true, and real and urgent and there is no room to see it any other way…...

Unless we make the room.

A few pieces of wisdom gleaned from others can make room for a broader, more accurate perspective that helps us see the infinite clear blue sky behind the passing clouds of thought.

I like to remember Dr. Marshall Rosenberg’s observation that it’s a fallacy to believe we can think our way out of all our problems.  Sure, thinking helps us find solutions, but too much thinking is actually the cause of many of our problems.  Just recalling this wisdom makes it easier to let go of thoughts when I notice that that thinking is happening,

If a thought or two hang around like storm clouds blocking out the blue sky, I like to accept Pema Chodron’s invitation to add the three words “No Big Deal” into my meditation.  Much in life IS a big deal, but that doesn’t mean it needs to be thought about in this particular moment.  A small smile as I hear the words “No big deal” and my shoulders drop, my breathing eases and some blue sky pokes through.

If one persistent cloud remains, clamoring for my attention, I lean hard into the power of humor, such as that offered by CMP facilitator, Melissa Slattery, who asks herself, “Is my hair on fire?” when things feel particularly fraught. To date, knock on wood, the answer has always been “No.”

Each of these bits of shared wisdom allows us to widen our focus so that we see the clouds of thought, as well as the infinitely larger clear blue sky behind them for the five, fifteen or thirty minutes we’ve carved out to practice, and possibly throughout the day.

There are so many pearls of wisdom to draw on. We’d love to hear others that support your practice at

And as always we appreciate your support.  If you find value in this blog, the library of guided meditations, our daily live meditation sessions or the outreach work we offer, please consider making a donation.  Donor support allows us to continue to offer our services freely and provide the widest possible access to the scientifically-proven benefits of mindful meditation.

Wishing you humor, perspective, peace and ease,

Your CMP family