Mindful Speaking + Listening Workshop

Do you ever find yourself holding back from discussing certain topics with family, friends, neighbors or co-workers because the topics are emotionally charged or you know you hold differing opinions?  Mindful Speaking and Listening empower us to be able to speak openly with and hear each other even when we don’t agree.  

Community Mindfulness Project will hold a Mindful Speaking and Listening workshop at the New Canaan Library on Sunday September 30th in the Lamb Room. We will share tools for listening and speaking in a way that allows us to truly hear each other and express ourselves, no matter the topic.  Then we’ll put those tools to work.  We have run this workshop several times before and it has received universally positive feedback.  People have told us they finally felt able to engage with someone who they knew held very different views than they did, and that they felt truly heard for the first time in a long time.  

We are running this workshop right in the middle of the mid-term election campaign cycle to support people’s abilities to engage in coversation with neighbors, family members, friends and colleagues around issues important to our lives, our communities and our country in a way that brings us together and unites us.  Communication on many topics has broken down, with people feeling uncomfortable engaging with people who hold differing views, but this isn’t healthy for our communities.  We learn and grow and feel hopeful when we trust that we can work together and learn from each other.  

Join Community Mindfulness Project to learn tools for open communication on any topic.  We guarantee your Thanksgiving dinner will be much less stressful!

When:  Sunday September 30th 3PM-4:30 PM

Where:  New Canaan Library in the Lamb Room

Register:  https://newcanaanlibrary.org/event/mindful-listening-mindful-speaking-with-cmp/

May all beings everywhere, without exception, speak freely and feel heard,

Your friends at CMP
